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Dear Friends, The complex world in which we live is unrelenting in the pressure it puts on today’s leaders. Climate change, geopolitical threats, social discord, the economy, and the unknowns around arti昀椀cial intelligence are only a few of the current formidable challenges. No company and no CEO is immune from the speed of change a昀昀ecting every market, globally. As an entrepreneur, an investor, and a serial board member, I believe it’s more important and more urgent than ever that boards of directors embrace diverse perspectives and skillsets. CEOs and shareholders bene昀椀t from a broader sounding board to help navigate issues shaping customer choice, employee engagement and investor sentiment. I was fortunate to meet Jocelyn through our mutual ties to the Aspen Institute. I believe in her leadership, and as Board Chair, I have contributed my time and energy to the unique approach Him For Her has developed to help companies build more resilient and more e昀昀ective boards by embracing board diversity. Your support of Him For Her enables us to attract diverse talent and bring the expertise of so many exceptional people to the boardroom. Countless companies and leaders will bene昀椀t from your generosity, now, and in future generations. I’m grateful for your collaboration, and humbled to serve this wonderful organization. Joanna Rees Board Chair, Him For Her Board Director, illumyn

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