Dear Friends, What functional expertise, what scaling experience, what industry insights will unlock the company’s “How can I help?” potential and propel the next stage of growth? This question – which I heard time and again from On the following pages, you’ll see examples of boards CEOs and board experts – inspired me to create Him that didn’t constrain their searches to those already in For Her. their network and the incredible talent they discovered as a result. It prompted me to think creatively about how to enlist those in the boardroom today as allies in accelerating Through our work, and with your support, we’ve board diversity. helped more than 120 boards conclude, “she has what we need.” Turns out that asking thought-provoking questions — questions that change status quo thinking — is one of When it comes to board diversity, encouraging boards the most valued qualities in a board member. to reframe the question and look beyond their networks is one powerful way you can help. After all, the right question can reframe a conversation and invite possibility. Onward! But when it comes to 昀椀nding new board members, the most common question tends to be a limiting one: “Who do we know?” Jocelyn Mangan We believe a better place to start is by asking, Founder & CEO, Him For Her “What do we need?”

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